Delivery Times and Costs CH

Delivery Times and Costs

Delivery in Switzerland generally takes an average of 30 working days.

When your order has been despatched, you will receive an email to better understand to better understand if there are difficulties in delivering the product. You will also be contacted by our carrier by phone to arrange a delivery date and time.

We cannot guarantee delivery to remote areas and towns, such as mountain areas or extreme outlying areas. In some cases we will charge you with extra delivery costs after considerating your accessability.
We cannot, moreover, guarantee delivery if your home does not have a lift/elevator or stairs and doors that are large enough for the products purchased to pass and be lifted through them.
In addition, please make sure that there are no other impediments or problems that could make delivery difficult or impossible (e.g. motor vehicle-free zones, pedestrian precincts, narrow roads or spiral staircases, etc.).
That is why we ask to specify in advance any situations that could limit or block delivery of your products.